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The Nature of criticism by Herbert Read.

Sir Herbert read is a poet, and critic who was chief British advocate and interpreters of modern art movement from 1930s to 1960s. His critical scrutiny embraced society, art and Literature from the point of view of philosophical anarchist.

The Nature of criticism is divided in to three part.

Part : 1

The nature of criticism is an essay which talks about the inclusion of  scientific element for emotional appreciation. To understand any character you must do psycho analysis.

There are many weapons used to criticize work of art. It was perhaps Coleridge who tried to give Literary criticism a scientific approach by reading it to technical process of philosophy.

In Traditional criticism the structure of emotional Analysis was important but now it has perished and every body is trying to look at the rasenality of art.

Any science covers a large verity of every Goldberg and he or she evaluate Literature from that point of view. In order to analyzed Literature esthetically, you may have to consider all the application which are both social and ethical in nature.

When we talked about the psycho analysis there are three questions.

  1. What general fiction does psycho analysis gives to Literature ? 
  2. How does psycho analysis explain the process of poetic creation and impression ? 
  3. Does psycho analysis case to extant in any way the fiction of criticism ? 
Answer of these questions are, 

  1. To understand any character, it gives New Angle of understanding in Literature when we do psycho analysis we came to about the thinking of character. 
  2. When we creation something we need insperation for that insperation poetic creation came. 
  3. Yes, psycho analysis case to extant the fiction of criticism, psycho analysis is advantage and good for Literature because it gives that type of Angle to character Novel, Drama , that we don't have early.
According to the Herbert Read there are three  people who can talk about psycho Analysis in bast way 

  1. Sigmund Freud
  2. Karle Jung
  3. Alfred Adler

In term of general Fiction of Literature Jung is only one of the three who write about its in  ditle and talked about general principal of constrating attitude 1. Intro version 2. Extra version.

There is strong division of self and there for there is lot of difference between subject and object, thought and feeling idea and things. 

Part : 2 

The second ascapt the social validity of any particular symbole is very important. Symbole in Literature is more intelligent then the normal unconscious of phychological. 

Any creative mind is capable of psycho analysis and in any mind there two contrary tendency 1. Being concious. 2. Being Imaginative.

The central problem of Literary criticism at present is question between Romantic and classicism.

Modern phychology explain insperation of the active of the ideas which are combined together satisfactorily to give poetic inspection. Any insperation cannot be random it is outcome of effective prosiger.

First there are thought which get converted into ideas those are converted into mental image which latter on turn into physical from which will either be secleted or rejected.

While conversion image there are lot of image going on together in once mind from which one is eighter regected of secleted. Freud in his study said that the fentacy turns into imagination and that later on turns into creation which is one of the optimum estatic value.

Part : 3 

It talks about The question that does psycho analysis modify in any way our conception of critic function.

There are some question which may have no reason, for example the case of Hamlet who hesitate in seeking the revenge of his father's murder.

According to Dr. Johnson psychological explanation can give answer through the understanding of complexes known as, 1. Oedipus complex. 2. Electra complex.

This can in a way gives answer to reason of his father's murder. One can apply this theory to Literary criticism and discover the strange and unfamiliar area of him  mind. In this way psycho analysis tried to resolve the conflict and allow us to come to New point.

According to Jung there are two fandamantal style 1. Extra voted. 2. Intro vorted.

Understanding is outcome of experience which can be both individual as well as callective but according to Jung the mind build up premodial images which invenbually  turn in some kind of Myth.

The mind of psycho analysis has to unite everything in order to criticize any particular work and solve the problem.


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