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Thinking activity : Education and Technology.

In 21st century we see that Technology and Education becomes two side of one coin. We can not depart them. By using technology we can see that students can improve there learning outcome more. 

To prove these thing there are people who worked on that path.

As this blog is part of my thinking Activity there are some video to watch and then we have to think about it and to give some of our opinion.  To view the videos please click here .

When we see the video of Sir Ken Robinson we see that he talked about the changing paradigm. He say that every country on  earth at the moment is reforming public education for two reasons ; first is Economy and second is culture. He also added that the problem of current Education system is was design and convinced for a different age. He say that in this age we need an education system that allows us to be creative.

When I listened this video I also feel that it is true. Now a days practical things are much more important than the bookis knowledge. His idea of divergent thinking is I like because that thing we can see that something as creative.

The second and third video is of Sugata Mitra who talk about school in cloud SOLE and future of learning. In this video  talked about his project of  Hole in wall. He put the computer in one slum area whose students don't know English or even who don't know how to work with the computer.  In just 8 houre they started running it. He also talked about his experience in Village of Tamil.

When I listed to this video I recall about the debate we have discussed in class that can Teacher is replaceable with robot or technology.  I realized that we can not refuce the possibility of it. Because if the children  of slum area who doesn't have of basic knowledge of the things they can learn that in just 8 houre so if we can gave basic knowledge of the things then we see that at some point they won't need Teacher.

The forth video is of Salman Khan who talked about the reinvent education. First he talked about his own experience and how he casually stayed the making of video and just uploaded on YouTube for there cousin. But when his own cousin said him that they enjoyed video then his physical presence and teaching them. And when he got review from people who unknown to him or from Teacher and perents who say that their Children like and even improve from video lecture. Then he got the idea of Kahn academy and he also explain how Khan academy works.

When I listened this video that time i recall my own experience of leading from the video. We have learn T.S. Eliot and existentialism from the video lecture. That time I also able to learn more then even lecture because video are the source that you can watch how many time you wanted to learn.

The fifth video is of Mark prensky who talked about digital natives and digital immigrants. In this he say that who are born in era teachnology for them it is very easy to learn that thing and even they are able to do multi task at Singal time. But whi are digital immigrants for them to learn all this thing become very difficult and even they won't believe in doing multitask as digital natives do.

When I listed this video and especially when he talked about the multitask I remember a Gujarati proveb often saying by my mother "બાવાના બેય બગડે" ;  means who do two work at Singal time will not even able to complete one properly.

The sixth, seventh and eighth video is by David Crystal who talked about the effect of new technology on English, The biggest challenge for English language teacher in time of Internet, Texting is good for English language.  In this videos he first talked about the the problem of multilingual and bilingual. And he also talked about the how social media effaced in positive way and say that by using this all Mediam people started learning how to explain things by using limited words. He also say that Texting is good for English. He also say that people only use smaller spelling in massages but it is still not official so there are may places where they have to use it in its proper form.

When I listened this videos that time I remember how I used to texting to my friend but how that is different then I write in exams.


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