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Expert lecture on ELT prof. Atanu Bhattacharya.

On  25th, 26th and 27th January 2020 we had the expert lecture on ELT by Atanu Bhattacharya.

In that lecture Sir has talked about the History of ELT, Literature for Language Teaching : poem & Fiction, Testing & Evaluation : validity, Realizability & Washback.

He began his talk with the History of English Language Teaching. This history is devided in to five part.

  • The Classical.
  • Middle Age.
  • Renaissance.
  • 17th and 18th Century.
  • 19th and Early 20th century. 
Then he talked about the IPA; International  Phonetic Acossication. In 1880 IPA realized that it is important to teach spoken language. Because outside the world how we spoke is important. They also say that it is important to teach sounds. For that they give the idea of  received pronunciation (RP). 

Then he also talked about the Two method. 1. Audio - lingual Method 2. Communicative Language Teaching method. He also talked about the Five mejor fiction in English.

  1. Representative 
  2. Directive.
  3. Commissive.
  4. Expressive.
  5. Declaration.

After that he talked about the language and Literature debat. There is always debat that should Literature can be used in Language classroom. In 1980s and 1990s  H.G. Widdowson and Stanley Fish argued that what we need to teach Language that all thing we found in Literature. He also say that Literature has not only useful to do develop Language skill but also useful to develop critical skill. He also talked about Cognitive and Meta-cognitive skill. 

While taking about Literature and language he also shows us how to do that. By giving feel and experimenting on our self only. 

At last he talk about the Testing and Evaluation.  First he explained the difference between Testing and Evaluation. 

Testing :  It deals with perticular objective. Testing also have different kind of pressure. Class test has lesser amount of pressure then Nord exam. And also this can be graded.

Evaluation :  It has no perticular topic but rather it deal with more general things. Also it may not have source. 

Assessment : It provide a feedback. Based on that feedback student can have changes. At after this student recivied a scoure. 


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