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Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallow Group Task and Learning outcome

Hello Readers,

This presentation is part of our group task. And also we have to write learning outcome. In the learning outcome we have to write that from this text what we come to know and also we want we learn and realized from it.

Harry potter from JeelVyas1

Before talking about What I have learned from Harry Potter. I want to talk about somethings.

When any child just listened about the Harry Potter they get excited. But on my part I was bit different then them. As a child I never fascinated with the Harry Potter. The reason of that I actually don't know but the way other child got attracted I never get attracted to wards the Harry Potter. Everyone who came to know that I don't like Harry Potter thinks that I am silly.

when as a group we decided that we will take Harry Potter as topic of group task I am very confused that " How I am going to deal with Harry Potter? " But then I have to deal with Harry Potter.

When I told my friend that I don't like Harry Potter they feel very shocked. That how it is possible that anyone don't like Harry Potter.

Then I thought that may be I am that imaginative person. One of my friend also suggest me to improve my imagination.

There is a reason why I have discribe all this. Because very first thing I learned from here.

That in a life there may be a situation where you have to work with a person or a thing or a topic which you don't like. But there is no way to escape. So you should  have work with them and also try to give your best. 

This is one mejor thing I have learnt from Harry Potter.

Apart from this I have also learn team sprit. We see in Deathly Hallow Ron and Harry had fight. And after that Ron got angry and also gone from there. But soon he realized there gole is much more important then there personal relationship.  From that incident I learned that team sprit, team work is more important then our personal relationship. 

The one more thing I learned is that struggle are always there. Struggle are always there no matter it is real life or fantasy world. 

One more important thing I have learn that what meter is your choise.  What you Choose for your self is important. Harry has choose that the he will fight against the voldemort. He also can focus only on his life and his happiness the way other has done. But he chooses to fight against Voldemort.

The one last thing I want to add. This thing I wasn't realized. But then our sir has  mentioned that in class. Then I also realized that thing. Sir has said in class that,

If you become the Harry Potter then you also have fight with Voldemort. 

After sir Sir has said that in class then I realized that your enemy also define your success.


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