As I have mentioned in my previous blog that I will take
about two topic in my each blog. So here in this blog I will talk about first
two topics.
1. Feminist reading of character of Harmione in Harry Potter.

The first article titled as, "Harry Potter through the Focus of Feminist Literary Theory:
Examples of
(Un)Founded Criticism." The author of this article is Krunoslav MIKULAN .
In this article author says that in Harry Potter we see that girls do have any
significant role. Thought Harmione works with the Harry she has very less
contribution in physical fight. But she is good with library work. Apart from
Harmonie author also give the example of Goblet of fire. There was only girl in
the compition named as Fleur. But we also see that she was not able
to complete whole task. And in lake task she was the one who quit. In short
author believe that this Novel is boy centric. In this Novel we won't have
gender equality.
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The second is titled as, " Feminist character in Harry Potter." Author of this article is M. Summaya Banu. According to him Hermione is one of the strongest character. That is the reason that she was all alone in the fight with the Harry and Ron. To prove his argument he gave the example from the Prisoner of Azkaban. As well he also gave example from Goblet of fire and ball party. And say that,
Hermione's difference in appearance does not pass on
"low confidence" as much as her grin and her balance in a similar
portrayal indicate Hermione winding up more confident.
Also he talks about other female characters like Professor McGonagall , Ginny.
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The third artical is titled as " Of Witches and Women : A study of the Harry Potter, In light of Feminism. " This artical is written by Prof. Modhurai Gangopadhyay. She says that after so many discussions on Harry Potter and feminist reading she came to to conclusion that there is nothing like that girls are are not able to connect them self with Harry Potter. Also she says that in Harry Potter female character are very strong. She says that,
Harry Potter series is neither “boys’ novels” nor “girls’ novels”;
rather they are novels about human beings and their battle against the forces
of evil.
She was Much in favor of human being rather then in male of female.
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2. Discourse on Harry Potter and purity of Blood :

Purity of Blood plays important role. Because we see that Voldemort wants to kill all who do not have magical blood. He doesn't want that any half - blood or muggle learn magic. So this is why purity of blood plays important role here.
The first article titled as " Stereotype and prejudice in Harry Potter. " The author of the article is Jasmina Gagulić. In this article author talk's able all the prejudice in world of Harry Potter.
In this article we see that she say that in Harry Potter Pure blood people consider themselves superior and Half Blood or muggles are considered as there is something bad in them. To explain this she takes example from the Prof. Slughorn's reaction when he come to know that his favorite student Lily was Muggles.
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The second artificial is titled as “BAD BLOOD WILL OUT”: RACIAL PURITY IN HARRY
PARALLELS TO WORLD WAR II". The author of the article is Devin Rutter. He believes that
by talking about this issue Rowling try to get connection between Harry Potter
world and our world.
Given that racial purity has been a cornerstone of many
regimes, there are many connections that could be made between the Potter
universe and our world in regards to this particular issue. However, it is the
lack of emphasis on physical appearance, as Curthoys astutely observes, that
suggests to the reader a closer connection to Nazi anti-Semitism during the
World War II era.
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The third article titled as " Race and Blood purity in Harry Potter serious." The author of this is Kathryn Lamoreux. She says that by talking about this Rowling provide good example of Race as Cultural contruct. She try to connect this idea of Muggle born and magical blood with the Japanese and burakumin. And says that,
Both burakumin and Muggle-borns are considered to be of
“unclean” blood and are discriminated against, and both majority Japanese and
pure-blooded wizards would consider these “unclean” minorities unsuitable
marriage partners.
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