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How Literature Shape Me ?

Hello Readers,

I am Jeel Vyas. I am studying in Department of English in Bhavnagar University.  I am student of Literature.

From studying Literature in formal form I came to know how to read things in proper way. But it was not the introduction with Literature.  I was introduce with literature in very simple way of telling a story. My mother used to tell me story. The story is of cow who only speak truth. By telling this story my mother always say that if you tell truth you always have benefit and also people respect you and good thing come to you.  This was not only a introduction but also Literature start shaping me. But that point I don't know that story are part of Literature and also I don't know that it shaping me.

 This is my introduction with the literature but that time journey has just began.  I am still traveling in that world. What I feel for this world of Literature and it’s journey is,

Jahan se tum mujhe laaye ho main wahan wapas nahin jana chahti...
Par yeh rasta bohot acha hai...
main chahti hoon ki yeh rasta kabhi khatam na ho....

( Aliya Bhatt , Highway movie )

 Here I try to write about the thing which till today I am able to understand from literature and my journey with it.

By looking this I realized that literature is thing which shapes but it is difficult to realize. You can only realized if you observe. Here I will talk about the what is Literature and how Literature Shape Me ?

The very first definition of literature I came across is that  Literature is mirror of the society. Throughout the years of my Bachelor I was always agree with it. But after joining masters I realized when sir says that Mirror shows the invert images.  yes actually mirror also doesn’t show things as it is.

With this I also come across other different definition like, Literature as photography image ; Literature as a x-ray image etc.

 But this is still don’t shows that what literature is.  When sir has shared the article of TOI  in which Ketan Krishna has given his opinion I found that some of things are very relevant. He says that,

 Literature is a highly interdisciplinary category. One can learn about history, culture, politics, sociology, Marxism, Feminism, Postcolonialism, critical theory, literary theory, Structuralism, Post Structuralism, and several other ‘-isms’.

He also added how Literature allow us to have a journey from Dickens fact and fancy to reality of modern Life to Beckettin idea of  'nothing to be done'.
With literature we can live a life of fancy to extreme reality. It leads us from Fancy world to nothingness of life. 
This are the things I have listened and  understand from the other. Now I will talk about how I see literature and understand it.
If I talk about the literature in my word literature for me is Horizon. If we talked about the Horizon then we see that it can be visible from Sea Surface. Most beautiful scene of Horizon can be seen when you are at Sea shore. Apart from that it can be scene from land, tress, mountain.
Horizon is the line where the Earth and sky appear to meet. Or the limits of your knowledge or experience.
There is no doubt that literature has all kind of knowledge or experience. That we saw that Ketan Krishna say when he explained it as an Interdisciplinary Studies.
When we see what is actual meaning of Horizon that time we see that it is a line where sky and Earth appear to meet. When we see this we found that there is nothing like horizon it is illusion or we can say a beautiful lie. Which is created by us. But not say that completely lie because you can see that. And by that also get pleasure. Also if you want to see horizon you need to look so far. It requires long eye site.  if you want to see that you need to go to Sea shore or mountain.
The same way literature is beautiful lie. Which you can see , can feel, which the character of story you grow, you cry, you learn from there experience. But still everything is lie. But if you need to experience that beautiful lie you need to go to Sea. Which is salty and deep. The same way if you want to experience the beauty of literature you need to pass through the idea of fantasy to existential angst. You need that deep eye site to look  and get meaning out of it. If you don’t have that deep eyesight then it will difficult to have that beauty of literature. If you have that deep eyesight you can even enjoy the idea of the nothingness of life. This idea of the life allows to get meaning from things.
In Literature every story is lie but still true because we can connect that to the people around it. The way Horizon is lie because that is no point where sky and Earth meet. But still true because we can see that.
Horizon is different for everyone because everyone has different eyesight. Same way Literary work is not an object which stand by itself and offers some face to each reader in each period. It also has offered me some of the thing which I try to describe below.
In my studying of M.A. I have learn from Dr. Faustus that in life what important is that knowledge. For knowledge one must whatever S/he can do. From Hamlet I have learned that always think before you act. You can not take any decision without thinking. Because end of it may be Death.   Gulliver’s Travels thought me that your journey is matter in life and from that journey what you gain is important. Whether people believe you or not. From Adam and Eve I have learned that if you are right you must resist ; no matter even God is opposite side. Also you have to question things you found wrong.
From Frankenstein I have learned to take responsibility. If you have done something you should take responsibility of it. You must accept the result of your did. Waiting For Godot taught me nothingness of life. And how whole life we are waiting for something about which we are not sure. The birthday party taught me about the journey of Artists. Also that shows that everything is there still in life we see meaninglessness of life.
Harry Potter taught me how to deal with the things which you don’t like. Sense of ending taught me that never erase memory because what comes bake in life on which stage.  Also I learn that life ends when there is no possibility of change not when you have Death by body.

So I have travel with Literature from the story of Cow to You get towards the end of life – no, not life itself, but of something else: the end of any likelihood of change in that life.

So about this journey I want to say only one thing again that,

Jahan se tum mujhe laaye ho main wahan wapas nahin jana chahti...
Par yeh rasta bohot acha hai...
main chahti hoon ki yeh rasta kabhi khatam na ho....

( Aliya Bhatt , Highway movie )


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